Thoughts of a Quarantined Entrepreneur

During this crisis of Covid-19 I can only think of 3 things. 

1. Our customers are amazing and without their support we wouldn't exist. THANK YOU! 

2. I am worried that we may no longer exist after this pandemic and we will be forced to close the doors to all of our locations, no longer be able to provide jobs for our current employees that we love so much, and will not be able to see all of our awesome customers daily. 

3. What can we do to give back in a time like this? Is there anything we can provide to help those in need or those working day in and day out taking care of the sick. 

Yes, all of those thoughts are all over the place, but as a business owner, I have a million and one things racing through my mind as I am sure other fellow business owners are experiencing right now. This is nothing I would ever think to be facing with at the moment, and I look at my past frustrations with being an entrepreneur as being very miniscule in comparison to what is happening right now in the world. 

 You see, we may just sell clothes and jewelry, but we also care deeply, love what we do, and only want to see our communities flourish. Owning a boutique means more to us than just selling clothes. I personally chose this path, because I not only wanted to share my love for clothing, but to teach, educate, and celebrate big win's and small wins with our employees and our customers. 

I have had to pick myself up many times in life and push ahead, and this one stings the most, because this is truly my life and livelihood. I know things will work out just how they are meant to be and maybe it won't be so bad after all. This is a great time to re-evaluate everything in life and how to become a better boutique for all of you.

We are thankful for this opportunity to provide a service that we love so much and we will be pushing forward with everyone in this crisis with grace and positivity. Hang in there folks, and please cherish the time you are able to spend with your family at this time. Thank you for reading these thoughts and if you can, please support your favorite local restaurants, nail salons, hair salons, boutiques, and any small business in your community, because you cheering us on, is what keeps us going :) 


Much Love and God Bless, 



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